Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Boo'ed Up On Facebook Gets Boooooos

Get a room! That is what the majority of Facebookers are saying when they see happy couples in their newsfeed. LOLOLO

Research shows that most people do not like it when couples are all boo'ed up in pics on Facebook.

This got me to thinking about my very own feelings when I see happy couples in my feed. Hmmmm I am different than those surveyed in the study on relfies (relationship selfies). I actually enjoy seeing couples happy. I love seeing them on vacation or really having fun. I'm not envious the least bit. Plus, I know that their relationship will or has hit bumps on the relationship road. But I genuinely wish them the best. In fact, there are a few of my Facebook friends who I thoroughly enjoy watching their love manifest. The way a guy may place his hand on her or look into her eyes, in my opinion, is an indicator of how he really feels about her.

I am a firm believer that LOVE is shown and felt in a gaze or in a stare. If you really want to know if someone loves you, I would suggest that you attempt to catch him at you. This is a sure way to tell if he loves you. His eyes are the mirrors to his soul. It will show.

Sooooo, if your fella is looking at you with anything other than a loving, caring or kind gaze, he may not like you. I'm just saying!

But back to being boo'ed up on Facebook.

Some people may think that there may be some insecurities from half of the couple team. Maybe she's making sure that all of his friends know that he is taken. Or maybe he is trying to mark his territory.

Another study shows that it usually is not any negative feelings driving the desire to post couple pics on Facebook or any other social media platform. Research shows that if you are constantly seeing the same ole couple in your feed, they probably are IN LOVE. They aren't doing it to boast or brag. They aren't doing it to be obnoxious. They aren't doing it to make their single and dateless friends sad. They are doing it because they have been bitten by the love bug. And being bitten by the bug gives them a feeling that many experts equate to being on cocaine.

So yea, they are drunk or maybe high IN LOVE :)

What are your thoughts about sharing relfies on Facebook? Can a couple over do it?

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