Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Do You Kiss Bloody Body Parts?

Gingivitis is a major problem because many do not believe in proper oral hygiene. Proper oral hygiene includes brushing (at least twice a day), flossing, scraping (your tongue), gargling and visiting (the dentist).

I have always been a fan of a beautiful smile and honestly, I have never seen a very nice smile with a bunch of jiggy-jacked up teefus.

I cannot pinpoint one smile in which the teeth were extremely crooked, crowded or spaced. I don't care how luscious the lips or handsome the face, when the lips part and the teeth are revealed, there is either an "OH" type of expression followed with a piqued interest or a "WOW" and a desire for me to take off in a full sprint. LOLOLOL

There have been a few things that I have come to accept about myself during my few years of dating after divorce. I like nice teeth and nice smiles. I like men who go to the dentist. I like men to take pride in having a nice pair of choppers. I like to see men take interest in their smiles. :)

So with all that said, it amazes me how many people -- men and women -- do NOT care much about oral hygiene. I am just going to say it -- THERE IS AN EPIDEMIC OF MISSING TEETH IN AMERICA.

There are sooooooo many people who are missing teeth. This is a direct correlation to missing teeth and oral hygiene. OK, in some cases, there is a correlation to dental coverage. However, most people have dental insurance -- even pay for it -- and don't use it.

Missing teeth and crud built up on the bottom teeth are NO-NOs. If there is a bunch of crud in between the lower teeth, zooom, zoooom, zooom! You are a Yuck Mouth!

And if there is an unpleasant smell emitting from a fella's mouth, I am gonna frown.

But back to gingivitis. Gingivitis is spread by kissing. If you don't believe me, Google it. One of the signs of gingivitis is bloody gums when brushing or flossing.

Soooo, are you really OK kissing someone whose gums bled this morning when they brushed?

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