Monday, March 4, 2013

My Date Was Dressed Like A Clown

My dating life has been most interesting. I have met a lot of different people and while I try to get pass the physical, well, I struggle.

Yea, you can call me shallow or whatever but I'm just being honest.

My cousin set me up with a guy that he thought was an Ace In The Hole! My cousin talked about the guy in such a way that I thought I was about to meet Denzel Washington or someone of the like.

Any who, my cousin is going on and on about him being dark and handsome. Mind you, this cousin is a male so I'm thinking WOW! If a man thinks he is dark and handsome, he must be extremely foxaaaay!

I met the guy at Benihana's. It was a first date so of course I drove myself. I told the guy what I was wearing and he described his outfit, too!

Schucks, I had gotten all dolled up and was excited about meeting this guy who my cousin said was a "standout type of fella."

I get to the restaurant early so that I can see him before he sees me. Yea, we had exchanged pics but pics lie! LOLOLOL

And lo and behold, they sure do lie. His face was like the pic, but this guy had on every color in the rainbow. He was wearing a yellow, blue and red get-up. He was definitely brown and I like brown men. He was definitely tall and I like tall men. He was nice, too.

But I just found myself falling short of being physically attracted to him. He wasn't missing any teeth. He was a bit overweight, but nothing that was sloppy. He didn't have a six-pack but he didn't appear to be 5-months-pregnant either. Just a lil loosey goosey. LOLOLOL

I just kept thinking wow, this outfit is colorful! I tried to focus. I told myself, "Try to get to know him, forget about his ganza, bonanza outfit." LOLOLOL

I just couldn't!

My mom asked me about the date and I told her I went out with Ronald McDonald and I had no plans of going out with him again!

Needless to say, I called my cousin and told him his friend wore a lot of colors and there was no physical attraction...oh well!

Does a person's outfit contribute to your attraction level or can you get past a terrible outfit?


  1. I have found that the outer garment does not always give a full description of the inner person. He maybe hilarious and make you smile, but that takes time which is not superficial, that's real.- BABYMAN

  2. Clothing tends to reflect the person's mentality. I determine maintenance women by how they dress. The phrase "dolled up" makes you sound high maintenance. What do you think he said about you?
