Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gingivitis Germs Spread By Kissing

That's a deal breaker.

I have heard this so much, and I understand that every one is different. What I may find to be OK, the next person would take flight immediately.

Well, a deal breaker for me is someone who doesn't take good care of their teeth. I don't have the best set of choppers in the world but I most certainly don't have the worse.

I like teeth! I like teeth! I like teeth!

I find smiles attractive and I'm sorry, if you crack those lips and reveal teeth that have never seen the dentist or not seen the dentist recently, I'm gonna have to say No.

And to be very specific, I don't like black gums or little teeth or big gums either. I absolutely do not like overly crooked teeth. You know the kind. It looks like a party is going on in there and last but not least missing teeth. I don't like for guys to smile and they look like a jack-o-latern. LOLOLOL

Seriously, I don't care how nice of a guy you are. Please be nice to your teeth and go to the dentist.

You can have the juiciest lips on the planet but if your teeth are a wreck, no thanks!

I was in a relationship with this guy who needed a deep cleaning because he hadn't been to the dentist in quite some time. His teeth were actually very nice. He had a tinge of bad breath, but mints and gum could handle it enough that I wouldn't just faint when he opened his mouth. LOLOLOL

Any who, on a recent trip to the dentist my dental hygenist brought up the topic of a deep cleaning. She said a lot of people think that a deep cleaning is better than a regular cleaning and it is not. A deep cleaning is an indication that gingivitis is present and that the person hasn't been to the dentist, so essentially a yuck mouf!

But then she went into deep details of how women often send their boyfriends to the dentist after she advises them on the dangers of swapping salivia via kissing and spreading gingivitis germs.

So this is it in basic terms: If he/she kisses you and he or she hasn't been to the dentist, he or she is giving you gingivitis. I am no dental hygenist so here is the official explanation of gingivitis:

"Gingivitis is due to the long-term effects of plaque deposits on your teeth. Plaque is a sticky material made of bacteria, mucus, and food debris that develops on the exposed parts of the teeth. It is a major cause of tooth decay.

If you do not remove plaque, it turns into a hard deposit called tartar (or calculus) that becomes trapped at the base of the tooth. Plaque and tartar irritate and inflame the gums. Bacteria and the toxins they produce cause the gums to become infected, swollen, and tender."

It sounds soooooo nasty, yet this problem is rampant because people do NOT go to the dentist.

Even released a survey saying that teeth plays a major factor in attraction. People assume that if you take care of your teeth, you take care of yourself. And I think it is true.

So the next time you think about puckering up to your new love interest, significant other or spouse, maybe just maybe find out about his or her dental health. You may just be getting a case of gingivitis and before you know it you are gonna be brushing your teeth and your gums are going to be bleeding....uggggggg!

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