Monday, November 14, 2011

Your Sig Other Has To Make You Feel Comfy

It is amazing to me how much you learn the longer you live. My father always would tell me, "Keep Living," when I would not know about something or be amazed that someone actually did something I found to be unappealing.

And now I do believe that I finally know what he meant.

While watching a movie, yea a Lifetime movie, something really hit me. The guy said, "I like the way I feel when I'm with you." The girl didn't think she was worthy because she was a bit frumpy and overweight, but she was smart, witty and a helluva writer.

But when he said, "I like the way I feel when I'm with you," my antenna rose. I've heard that a man falls in love with the way a woman makes him feel, but I've never even been interested in what makes the woman fall in love. And while women and men are always discussing our differences, this is where I think we may have more in common than we actually realize. I think a woman falls in love with the way that a man makes her feel.

But it's more than buying flowers, going on dates, rubbing her feet, listening to her and catering to her. I think it has something to do with being able to reveal yourself 100 percent -- the good, the bad and the indifferent and not feel judged.

And heck, if that's not what women think, I think it!!!!

One of the worst characteristics in a man in a human is being so critical and judgemental as if there is nothing wrong with the person doing the judging. Sweep around your own doorstep first...yea, my mom says that LOLOLOLO

But what I guess I'm really trying to point out is there is a certain level of comfort with a person who isn't sooooooo quick to judge, a person who will let you figure out the errs of your way in your own time, a person who will pick you up when you fall on your face and yep, it was your fault.

I've written a bunch of posts on physical characteristics....He can't be this height and his teeth can have a crossword puzzle going on....LOLOLOL...that he should have nice arms....owwwww, yes goodness I like nice arms....and yeppers I still like all that, yep, I do....but the most important quality is my comfort level.

Can I bear all and feel comfy?
Can I leave my zit cream on my face accidentally and not be embarassed?
Can I poot...only by accident, cause ladies do that sort of thing in private....LOLOLOL
Can I laugh at myself and not feel like he is laughing at me but laughing with me?
Can I say I'm scared?
Can he see that I'm junky, yep, I'm junky, and not tell me what I need to do?

Yea, the longer I live the more I learn. I just wish that I the importance of character qualities much earlier. Character qualities such as, patience, kindness, humility, understanding, sincerity, attentiveness, gentleness, honesty and faithfulness are essentially the foundation to a good relationship, to a great comfort level.

How important is it for you to feel comfortable with your sig other? Do you feel you can share just about anything and not be judged? Or do you hold back?

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