Thursday, November 17, 2011

Women Do Not Want A 50/50 Relationship

One of my Facebook friends asked, Do women want a relationship that is 50/50?

I responded, No!

He then asked what do women want?

So I responded, "A partner who somehow has figured out a way to finesse authority without being dominant...a provider who will ensure that his significant other is OK, emotionally, physically etc...a gentleman who will, if not always, open a door to make her feel adored...a man who will show her his complexities without appearing weak :) OK, that's just the first paragraph of a 5-page paper LOLOLOLOL"

But seriously, a lot of women say that they want a relationship that is 50/50 when they really don't. That is 50/50 financially.

A woman, at least women like me who were raised by both parents and a father who was a true provider, want a man to take the lead with everything. Yep, I said it...EVERYTHING!

What woman wants to be out working like a dog to make sure the bills are met? Then clean the house, care for the kids, wash clothes, cook meals? A fool! LOLOLOL

Well at least I don't want to have to do all that ... and this here girl ain't scared to admit it.

I want a HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD...not just for tax purposes but for everyday purposes. A woman should be a man's helpmate. And yea, he should help out around the house with chores, but I'm old fashioned...what he does is just icing on the cake...just makes a relationship better.

*Hand in air --- BOOOM!!!!

Do you think most women want a 50/50 financial relationship?


  1. Great post! I completely understand your point of view. I grew up with a single mom, though, so I'm very independent and still feel a bit uncomfortable with the idea of doing anything other than 50/50. lol I'm trying to be more relaxed and sensible about the reality of my marriage but it takes getting used to!

  2. Yes, I´ve been married for 6 years and at the begining I wanted to be 50/50 but, it´s imposible! Now we have a lot of problems because of that system.
