Monday, April 19, 2010

Guys I Date Cannot Eat Pork

There are sooooo many reality TV shows out now and I have to admit that I am one of those people who are feeding the craziness.

I like a lot of reality TV shows. The Kardashians, Kendra, Housewives (the city doesn't matter), Still Standing, For The Love Of Ray J, and others that I cannot think of the title to right now.

Last night, I caught "What Chili Wants" on VH-1. I'm a major TLC fan and absolutely adored the trio and the ladies' style in the 90s. So "What Chili Wants" grabbed my attention.

The show is centered around her looking for love and she has a love coach/matchmaker trying to help her find it.

In the episode that I caught, she raddled off a list. He can't drink, smoke, eat pork. He has to have a six pack abdomen and a few other things.

But eat pork, eat pork. Wowsa Yowsa. I can see no drunks allowed and no dragon breaths but peeps care about what folks eat when deciding if he or she is dating. Oh my!

OK, I don't eat steak or lobster but would a guy care ummmm I don't think so. Well, maybe he would care because of the tab when he would take me out to dinner, but the pork thing totally blew me away.

I don't think I would have been as shocked if she would have just said follows a balanced nutritional diet because quiet as it is kept a lot of men eat what they want, drink what they want and do what they want and then fall ill and look to the Wifey Nurse or the Girlfriend Nurse or the Live With Me Nurse to take care of them. I'm just sayin..... :)

And don't go getting mad at me fellas. You know it's the truth and plus men in their 40s and beyond are the ones who fall victim to high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease and all that so I feel Chili wanting a man that she will not have to be a Nurse to.

But does it matter what a person eats when you are looking for love? Do you care if a person exercises and eats right? Do you have any one food in mine that he or she could not eat such as pork? Tell me.

1 comment:

  1. not exactly an answer to your question but I will absolutely not date a man who will not have a drink with me. As for those who will not eat red meat, I find it annoying but I will accept it.
    regular Kool Aid drinkers are also excluded from my dating pool. Seriously, it is just flavored sugar water. I used to say that I would not flirt with a man drinking a pink cocktail at the club - that was before Red Bull.....Now I just eye him suspiciously,
    Men who wear their belts under their bellies are unacceptable.
    Men with serious sinus issues who shun allergy meds or (aghast) any medical treatment for the nasty sounds they make are out of the question.
    On that note, men who chronically complain about the same aches and pains but will not see a doctor unless it is absolutely necessary or requires surgery, get no sympathy from me.
    There you go....
