Monday, March 22, 2010

Why Do Guys Like Trashy Girls?

If you have been following entertainment news, you know that the latest news is Tiger and Jesse have been caught jibbin and jabbin with trashy girls.

For Tiger, it was like he was trying to get into the Guiness Book of Records for doing trashy, trashy, trashy women. And I know I am being very judgemental but how the heckypoo can you sleep with a porn star and not be scared for your life. I may be in the minority here but thinking about a man being with tons and tons of women is a definite turnoff and heck if I could watch a DVD of his action, wowsa yowsa, I would run for the hilly hills lololololol

Any who.

I read an article on Ask Men that explained why men are attracted to trashy women. Boi, did it open my mind to stuff.

One reason is the trashy girls do not need much effort to get. The article said trashy girls do not need drinks and dinner, etc to bed. It takes much less. Well, it just takes a man showing interest.

And this lrads into the other reason. Trashy girls usually have a need to please because they do not usually feel good about who they are. Heck, do not get mad at me I am just summarizing what I read.

But if one is to go along with these arguments, it would mean beautiful, strong, successful women are not interested in pleasing....hmmmm

Why do you think men go after trashy women?

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