Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Can Coupons Be Used On First Date?

It’s already been established – right here in the world of Choosing Mr. Wrong – that a cheap man does not usually buy a lady a drink when at the bar or club.

Mr. Cheap wants to talk to you in a social setting but he will not splurge and buy a woman her drink of choice.

But Mr. Cheap is a multifaceted topic, so I've gotta have at it one more gen.

I’ll set the scene for you. There’s a group -- four or five girls -- hanging out. One of the chickie-poos has captured the attention of a guy. He wants to send her drink, but-er-uhh she’s with a POSS-AE.

Is it OK for a guy to send over the lonely cocktail to the table to get cutie pie's attention?

Ummm, NO.

I understand that the economy is bad. Yep, it’s a recession and tough times are abound. But what should a guy do in this situation?

I say lure cutie-pa-tu-tie away from her friends.

“Hello ladies! Would you mind if I steal this lovely lady away from you for just a few moments.”


I would spring from my chair like a coil on a fat woman’s mattress when she gets out of bed. And I think a lot of women would.

It is absolutely a no-no, nah, nah, a muscle-bound, cock diesel NO to send one drink to a table full of women. It isn’t just cheap. It’s rude!

But if Mr. Only Wanna Buy One Drink, and I'm not making fun wink, wink, secures a date with the lovely lady, the next move is crucial.

Everybody knows that money does not grow on trees because if it did we would all have a few planted in our backyards.

I am always looking for a way to save some cashola.

I am a bargain shopper. I look for deals.

I also use coupons all the time. As a matter of fact, I am known to carry some really great coupons in my purse for KFC, Arthur Treacher’s and Pet Supermarket.

Shoot, I go through my Valupak when it comes in the mail with a mission. Ummm to save a few buck-a-roos.

But on a FIRST date, stay with me now, FIRST date -- is it OK to whip out the buy-one-get-one-free coupon or any type of coupon at all?

Share your comments with me here or e-mail me at choosingmrwrong@gmail.com.


  1. Nooooo, Not on the first date! LOL, Coupons are more like a 3rd or 4th date thing.

  2. I'm going to think outside the box. It depends on how the coupon is pulled out... Example...yeah girl I got a coupon buy one get one lets go... or do you go to the resturaunt, enjoy a nice dinner good conversation over a good glass of wine and he discretely places the coupon along with the money into to bilfold. Is that a no harm no foul? Why are you counting his money? Maybe he has a 5 year plan to mega bucks.

  3. I'm pretty cheap (and have been married for quite a while). My wife is into saving, too. So it works for us.

    But, if I were still in that world... I don't think I'd have the guts to use a 2fer1 on the first date.

    At least if it was someone I'd just met, was trying to impress. If it were someone I knew a bit, had been friends with, it was more a slow progression to dating... I might.
