Monday, April 13, 2009

Zodiac Signs Reveal Sexual Prowess

"Well, you know I’m a Scorpio."

"I’m a Taurus."

In my opinion, people whose birthdays fall under these two zodiac signs seem to remind others of their sexual prowess the most.

I read my horoscope daily. As a matter of fact, it’s e-mailed to me. I love to even look in the newspaper to see what kind of day I’m having. Five stars, yippee, it’s gonna be a good day!

And because I'm into horoscopes, various things pop in my mind when I meet someone and they tell me their sign.

Geminis, whew, are moody moody umm moody.

Leos, oh my, roar like lions.

Virgos must have it just right, umm, can you say perfectionists.

Cancers, wow, unforgiving.

Capricorns are ewey gewey sweet.

Libras are too dangone indecisive.

But does someone’s horoscope indicate what type of lover they may be?

Hmmmm, I looked up information about my horoscope to try to figure out if there’s any merit to this whole horoscope and sexuality thing.

For Libras said, “your sexuality is responsive.” Ummm, yea I’ll go with that.

“Your need to relate makes you eager to please.”

And I’ll go with that, too.

“You love to be admired and are more than a little exhibitionistic.”


“You can be coquettish and even devious in the pursuit of your desires.”

Oh wow, that’s not me.

“Your ego is a little fragile.”

Well, maybe a little.

“Flattery will get them anywhere.”

On da money!

So what about this Scorpio and Taurus sexuality thing.

Scorpio says, "Your sexuality is deep, all-consuming and intense. You seek transformation through the sexual experience, which you never undertake lightly."

OOOOK, so Scorpios are serious.

“Anything is acceptable in your sensual world, for you are interested in the end, not the means. If it blows your mind, or it expands your sexual repertoire, or enables you to exert your dominance, it will be fine by you.”

Well, ahright.

“Admirers should be ready and willing to be consumed, if they wish to get the best from you. Also, if they are looking for some powerful sexual pleasure, they need look no further.”

Wowsa yawsa!

So what’s with the stubborn bull, ummmm I mean Taurus.

“Your sexuality is strong and deep, though not necessarily electric on the surface.”

Bull equals strong so I can see that.

“Indeed, your sexuality is more readily aroused when your appetite for edibles has been assuaged.”

Hmmm, so is this saying that Taurus men and women like chocolates, strawberries, whipped cream and etc. ?

“Admirers should be aware that having opened the floodgates of passion, Taurus can be both insatiable and possessive.”

Oh oh, does this mean a fatal attraction?

Find out your sexuality interpretation at

But I’ve looked and it appears that Scorpios may be ummm, quite interesting.


  1. As a Scorpio Man I would like to say. Boooyah! “Anything is acceptable in my sensual world, I am interested in the end, not the means. If it blows your mind, or it expands your sexual repertoire, or enables you to exert your dominance, it will be fine by me.” So, I cheated a little...She was on point on this one.

  2. There's a Beastie Boys lyric:
    "I'm a Scorpio so you know I'm very sexual."
