Thursday, April 9, 2009

Snap, Crackle, Poppin' And Nah Uh On A Date

When I'm in a confined space, it's usually really hard for me to deal with an irritating sound.

Yeppers, I've got a few pet peeves.

At work, it's usually the snapping of a pen. You know, the pen that people usually hold in their hand and use their thumb like they have a nervous condition to push on the retractable top.

Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap!

I have approached a few co-workers with the phoniest of phony smiles and said, "Can we trade pens?" Usually, I'm carry a pen with only a cap saying, but not saying, no snapping, pluuuueeeze!

Then there are the women who are walking in the heels that need taps. This happens at work, at the store, shoot everywhere.

You know her. She has walked her shoes or boots down to the silver part in the heel so when she walks there's a clickity clack, clickity clack, clickity clack.

Wheeew! Take your shoes to the shop or get a new pair. You are about to make me lose my mind. And I'm wishing that you would ummmm fall.

And then there is Ms. Poppin' Gum! Her chewing resembles a cow and is poppin'.

Ahhhhhh! I'm screaming on the inside and holding my head in my hands.

My dad always told me that poppin' gum was NOT lady like, so I don't pop gum. Why didn't other folk's father's tell them that poppin' gum is NOT LADY LIKE?! Grrr!

Who wants to be around a woman poppin' gum like there is no tomorrow? I mean, what's the point? I could see blowing bubbles. That's fun!

But what's with poppin' gum? It's bad. Wheeeew, it's bad.

But-er-uuuuh, what is worse is a man poppin' gum!

Yep, a M-A-N poppin' gum!

This guy took me to see a movie, and while driving to the theater, I heard "snap, crackle, pop," and nope there were no Rice Krispies around.

"What Da Fudge? Seriously, is he poppin' his gum," I think to myself.

"Snap, crackle, pop. Snap, crackle, pop. Pop. Pop. Pop."

And because I usually don't bite my tongue, I said, "Ummm, are you popping your gum?"

"Oh, that bothers you?"

"Hecky, yea that bothers me!"

He probably was put off a bit by my honesty but I was trippin' because I didn't know guys popped gum. I mean, what GUY does that?

There was a bit of chatter between us and then I started hearing it again.

"Snap, crackle, pop. Snap, crackle, pop. Pop. Pop. Pop."

"Dude! Dude! Pluuuuueeze stop poppin' that gum!"

He begrudgingly took the gum out of his mouth.

I wanted to say, "You should be banned from buying gum. Try mints," but I remained quiet.

And I was really turned off, uggg.

What are some things that have driven you crazy on a date? Or what drives you crazy about your significant other? Tell me here or e-mail me at

1 comment:

  1. Its on the same lines as popping gum - hearing someone chew their food. That drives me up the wall. My brother does that to this day. And the guy I'm dating. Luv him to death and when he eats his food - that food never had a chance. YUCK!!!
