Some women may imagine a romantic evening to involve dinner, music and candles and heck, a piece of jewelry or maybe flowers.
Ummm, roses!
Others may imagine a romantic evening as cuddling and talking and, you know, and cuddling and talking.
Still, there may be more women who see a romantic evening as watching a movie and ummm you know.
But what kind of movie? Can it be pornography?
Can a man and a woman, two women, two women and one man or whatever the combination going at it in titles such as "Heaven On Earth," "Ding Dong Kong" "Va-jay-jays Rule Da World" and "Two DIs Are Not Enough" be romantic?
And no, those are not real titles so please don't head to the nearest video store to request them.
I'll go ahead and answer the question about pornography being romantic. Nope, it's not romantic to me, but it can be fun.
I've heard women say that women in porns are a tough match. These girls have the perkiest boobies, the flattest tummies, roundest booties, make the most erotic sounds and can do some ummm incredible sex acts.
Some of the porn stars are buttock A$$ ugly, but others are cute.
So if your guy enjoys Ms. Fantasy, is he cheating on you when he meets up with her on the TV or the computer for a rendezvous once or a few times a week? Can porn be part of your romantic evening?
Share your thoughts about pornography viewing habits here or e-mail me at
You know this one is right in my strike zone. The right movie can do it, but remember you have to talk to your partner. Sometimes I watch my lesbian porn alone and sometimes we watch my lesbian porn together. She never ask for the type of porn she likes even though she says she likes certain types. Anyway, candles, wine and the right movie can be wonderful.