Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pretty, Put Together, And Popping Pills

She’s so beautiful. She’s fun. She’s easy to talk to. She’s educated. She has a J-O-B, and a budunkadunk and a nice set of big umms.

She is vivacious and full of life and fun to be around, most of the time.

Fellas, you enjoy her conversation, but something makes you feel uneasy at times.

The feeling is a bit like someone riding behind you with their bright lights on and you are not sure if it's really their bright lights.

Ummm, it could very well be mental illness rearing its not-so-pretty head.

According to WebMD, depression in women is very common. In fact, women are twice as likely to develop clinical depression as men.

Seriously, depression causes irritability, feelings of sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness. Depression can be mild to major and cause difficulty sleeping, low self-esteem, decreased energy, lead to overeating or undereating or inappropriate social behavior and a loss of interest in sex.

And fellas, you wondered why you got your windows busted out and tires flattened because you said hello to a childhood friend while out with Ms. Sunshine.

Or maybe Ms. I'm Not Gonna Take It No More put all of your clothes in the middle of the floor and used Clorox like a salt shaker. Ummmm, inappropriate social behavior.

The information provided does not give you fellas a pass to begin calling a wife, girlfriend or date "Crazy." Pluuueeze don't do this. You might get your house burned down.

But if you begin to see unusual behavior that causes pause, ummm, don't ignore it. Or go ahead and put your belongings in a piece of clothe, tie onto a stick, throw it over your shoulder and run away from home.

Soooo, depression disproportionately affects women. This means that a lot of ladies are popping anti-depressant medication. Zoloft, Paxil, Cymbalta, Effexor, Celexa.

I just heard medicine cabinets opening and damn, damn, damn.

But hold up.

With fellas, Erectile Dysfunction causes problems in the bedroom and beyond. The strength of a Man Muscle makes a man feel reeeeeal good or reeeeeeal bad. And it's established that sometimes MM needs help from the little blue friend.

With ladies, sometimes there's the not-so-pretty face of Depression that causes highs and lows and may end up turning a life upside down.

OK, OK, OK, medication is needed for both. And sometimes anti-depressants can make a women become No Libido Noelle, so there will not be a need for the little blue friend.

So while dating when should it be revealed that there's some instability? You know, that the headlights that you thought you saw were really on high beam. Really, pay close attention to folk's eyes. Craziness shows in the eyes first and then manifests itself in other ways.

Fellas, you ask a girl if she is on birth control right before or during that first sexual encounter, right? But ummm, you may want to ask if she is popping the other pill. Or do you wanna just wait until your car has been keyed?

Leave your comments here or e-mail me at choosingmrwrong@gmail.com.

1 comment:

  1. So many comments, I have.
    It took years before a doctor suggested that I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Best thing that happened to me. i take just a few precautions every October and I don't lose my mind during the winter. And the little pill they gave me. I tell everyone about it cuz it saved my sanity.
    The other day I asked dude what was his condom policy because he hadn't brought up the subject of my BC usage. He dropped the phone. When he picked it back up, I couldn't understand a damn thing he was saying. Not sure what that means but this conversation is going to happen.
