Monday, March 30, 2009

Man Muscle Needs Little Blue Friend

Dating is interesting.

One guy may give you the I’m-gonna-play-this-cool space. Another may call A LOT. Still another may try to take up your every free moment.

Some are adventurous and yet others are dud spuds.

And then of course, there’s the Man Muscle.

Some are little. Others are Yikes! Don’t-come-near-me-with-that thing. And then some are a perfect fit like an Isotoner glove.

Some are strong and some, ummmm ummmmm, are not strong.

But what is a girl to do if she comes across a dead-on-arrival DI? Yep, DI is exactly what you think it is?

Should she?

A.) Act like she doesn’t notice that there is a PROBLEM and let the guy bounce on her like a fool.
B.) Try, use your imagination, to get the soldier to stand.
C.) Tell the guy to BEAT IT, and not that beat it, but the get outta-here-before-I-pull-my-gun on you and tell the police I shot you because of misrepresentation.
D.) Tell Mr. I Can’t Perform, it’s OK and give him another try at a later date.

After talking with some of my friends, D seems to be the most common answer -- at least with my circle.

But I think dead-on-arrival DIs, should be something that is dealt with before trying to approach a Va-jay-jay.

Why are you standing at the ice cream counter and you don't have any money to buy ice cream?

Get some money first and then return to the ice cream counter. She doesn't want her ice cream wasted, wink, wink.

On a serious note, research indicates that black men are up to 20 times more likely to have ED than white men. The condition is also linked to cardiovascular disease and diabetes, two diseases that run rampant in the black community.

Other problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, depression, alcoholism, oops, I mean drinking too much are also linked to ED, so deal with those conditions before trying to meet a Va-jay-jay.

And I know that a guy has to know when his Man Muscle doesn’t work. I mean really. If it's just a little hard, then you have a "big" problem.

Butt-er-uhhhh, should a guy then tell a woman with whom he is sexually active that he pops the little blue pill? Or Sees Cialis on a regular basis?

I’m not talking about in a marriage.

I’m talking about while dating or on sexcapades. Or should he just DI a girl down and leave her thinking that the lights and noise are going off and she has hit the jackpot?

Remember, sex is important to a lot of people in relationships.

The lights and noise recently went off for one of my gfs.

“Oh, girl, it was nice, very nice,” she said.

Her voice was filled with excitement and I was excited for her.

“Gone girl.” “Ahright!” “Ooooooweeee.” “Have fun!”

But then she said he really lasted a long time. And I responded, “Girl, he may be on Viagra.”

Just then I realized I deflated her.

I slapped myself on the hand, “bad girl, bad girl.”

“Girl, he isn’t that old,” she responds.

"Ummm, yes he is!” I say. “And nowadays, young dudes pop those pills.”

The erectile dysfuntion industry is a multi-billion, that's a B, multi-billion dollar industry so I think a lot of Man Muscles get help from their little blue friend.

Soooooo, is using erectile dysfunction medication a non-issue until things get serious or should a man ease the information into a conversation? Or ladies, do you even want to know?

Leave comments here or e-mail me at


  1. Nice beginning for the week. There is a lot of information, I simply do not think I could handle early on. The little blue pill is one of them.

  2. I think you ask the question correctly. You need to qualify it more. This is evidenced by the initial comment from your blog. You should be sure to explain that the relationship is goin unto another level. Not just on the sex tip or the initial attempt at intercourse.
    I agree wholeheartedly that you should let your partner know. NOw I am speaking from the lense of a young man who is in great shape. That is just my opinion. If ever my health detiorated or I developed ED, then it may change. I just think that if a women, especialy if you are dating a women in that target age group, is feeling you then it wont matter. I am one of those who the sex is VERY important to the relationship. It says alot about compatibility to me. I just dont see myself with a women and we have average sex life. I dont want a women who will settle for a dude who is an average performer just for the sake of having a man. I need someone who demands it like me. So if there was an ED situation that I had corrected with pills or an implant, then I would let her know whats goin down.
