Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm An Arm Woman

There are various features that cause pause when viewing the opposite sex.

I hear guys say, "I'm a butt man." I'm a boob man." "I'm a leg man."

Well, I'm an arm woman. There is nothing better, in my opinion, than nice, chiseled, strong, muscular arms on a man.

Nah, not the uuuuuhhhh-I-can-lift 500 pounds type of arms, but just nice and strong.

I like other features too, beards, oooweeee, love beards. I like chocolakah, much more than caramel, but I like sweets so caramel is not bad at all. I am just really more attracted to men who have a darker complexion than mine.

I like tall, too.

OK, OK, OK, enough of what I find handsome. I think that my deal with arms actually speaks volumes about something else I crave -- security.

Ummm, arms secure. Strong arms equal safe. I mean really, who wants Mr. Puny Arms if a fight breaks out? Or when things get rough?

Strong arms mean you are safe with me. Strong arms mean I will look out for you. Strong arms mean I gotchu.

But then if my theory is true and my love of arms reveals something about me, what could be the theory behind women who love chests, legs, butts, backs, abs?
Leave comments here or e-mail me at to tell me what type of woman or man you are? And please tell me why.


  1. I love arms to Dee for the same reasons. LeBron James - really can't get no nicer than those arms!!!

  2. I'm a hand woman. The first thing I look at when I notice a guy are his hands. You know, I look for the 'manly' hands where the vains kind of stick out...ugh, that kind of sounds gross come to think of it, but it's so sexy to me! I don't like dating guys with girly or wimpy hands. I do not like dating guys where I have more manly hands than they do! :)
