Thursday, March 11, 2010

You Have How Many Baby Daddys, Mamas?

It is a new day.

Gone are the days when the majority of people get married and have kids. Often, one child may be born before a marriage and then mom and dad go on to marry someone else.

Sooo if you are doing the math, there is already one baby's mama or daddy if you are the guy or girl.

Oooook, add the marriage or an unplanned goo gooo ga ga and there are like 2 or 3 chillins, yep, children with a southern accent and different mamas and daddys.

I am unique. I have no chillins so if a person says they have two kids, my mind automatically thinks one mother. This way of thinking is soooooo yesterday, a bit sad but nevertheless sooooo yesterday.

So one has to ask by the same person?

But errr uhhhh, how many baby mamas and daddys are too many? Meaning would you date someone who has kids by how many people, one, two, three or so folks or do you care?

Tell me.

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