Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Would You Consider A Fixer Up?

You have likely seen it happen. A guy or girl meets someone, fixes that person up, sometimes even making the person unrecognizable.

Well I had the most interesting conversation with a gf on this topic. We were laffin bout being married (although I am divorced) and waiting on a man to grow up.

But then I started cracking jokes saying I am going to go get me a guy with crooked teefus and plaid flooded pants. We holler in laughter about it and then she says if you find him that way you better leave him that way.

Our laughter continues until tears are rolling down my face and my stomach is hurting.

But then the seriousness of the topic hits. Peeps really do date fixer ups and the fixer ups get real foxy and roll out...with a new grill, nice car, graduate degrees and more.

Soooo would you consider dating a person deficient in a particular area but help them to be better or do you expect a person to come to the table at their best?

1 comment:

  1. How often do the fixer ups actually stick around after the fix up though?

    I'm under the impression they usually get a surge of self-esteem and just trade up on you.
