Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Is It ADHD If Mate Doesn't Pay Attention?

There are many things that can plague a relationship - family members, finances, infidelity, illnesses and on and on.

But recently while watching TV, yea I watch waaaay too much TV, I saw a commercial.

It talked about people who are disorganized and who have a hard time paying attention just may have an illness. I am sorry but there is too much labeling going on. If someone is disorganized, they are junky! If a person has a hard time paying attention, they lack discipline.

What is this world coming to when every little thing is something that needs medication or an action guide? Whatever happened to just calling a Spade a Spade! Everybody is using excuses.

Soooo as I look around my bedroom that has laundry that needs to be folded, I am thinking that maybe just maybe I need to go to the web site adhdactionguide.com lolololol

Nah, I just need to fold up these dayuuum clothes. Lolololo

Would you believe someone who has a junky home or a hard time paying attention has ADHD? How would you handle? Or could it really be a serious problem?

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