There are all kinds of undergarments for women to lift this and tuck this and flatten this.
I love a good bra but I refuse to wear high wasted panties, biker short girdles and too tight slips nope, aaaannnntttt, not gonna do it.
I arrived at this decision after buying a biker short spanx girdle when I was the Pillsbury Dough girl lololol
Yep, I was tryin to smooth out some bumps and lumps but the only thing that tight contraption did was make me uncomfortable. I felt like a sausage link that was going to explode at any moment.
I will never forget the day I put on my girdle for the last time. I had on a wrap dress and it was about 80 degrees out. The dress was soooo cute but I had a kangaroo pouch in the front lololol so I reached for my squeeze me tight biker short style girdle and pulled and tugged until the midsection of my body was smothered and suffocating. I then glanced in the mirror and said the heck with this! My stomach is just as fat, and I am uncomfy as heckypoo soooo fuuuuuhget it. I slipped the hold me tight girdle off and decided I had to do something about it.
But errr uhhh, the other day I was watching the news and I heard a story about girdles becoming really popular among men. I bout fell out my chair just thinking about it.
Picture this...very nice evening with a man who tells you across the dinner table that he wears a girdle. I would holler in laughter and speedwalk away lololol
Yea, I am terrible but there is no way I could date a guy who wears a girdle. Ladies, could you? Fellas, would you wear one?
Watch closely... I bet they said people are SELLING them, not that anyone is actually BUYING them.
I wear a girdle all the time and I feel wonderful in it and I am a man
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ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful mother and sisters you had my friend, as supportive of you as a lovely snug panty-girdle!! My gorgeous older sister knew my motives were purely erotic but unmentionables weren't mentioned then. I now realize I did want to get into her panties. When she went to college and I took her room, guess what I discovered in a small chest of drawers; a perfect white satin panneled panty girdle, 5pr. "Pam" pastel nylon panties, a half-slip, nylon print petti-pants, several pair of rht nylons, and the topper- a gleaming white satin boned gartered corselette.- and all fit me nicely snug! Sheer, elegant, satiny, snug heaven. I carefully memorized how each was folded and placed and was certain I didn't leave tell-tale evidence of my lust. The rest I'm sure you can imagine. I don't recall any problems or final outcome and am certain I'd recall problems. I do recall sleeping gloriously en-femme nightly, and miss all the happily spilled seed.
DeleteI enjoy wearing a girdle for the support and tight fit. Its a great feeling. I often wonder why manufactures didn't make these for men. The playtex girdle is a very good fit. Sears, JC penney, gossard, Fit n Fashion, Empire and many others are also my favorites. The Playtex is the best with the erotic rubber scent, both for everyday support wear and for play and fun.
ReplyDeleteI freely admit my interest in ladies intimates was solely eroticism. In the late forties and fifties the only images of women without clothing to a red-blooded boy were the ads in magazines and papers and the famous catalogs. Not even tv showgirls pre-tv. No air-brushed Playboy- so guess the fixation of millions- the closest we could get to female was undies in that cautious age. I've asked girls in the past and most beau requested a personal momento of her-
Deleteyes, i rub up against ur girdle
ReplyDeleteNothing like the feeling you get in a snug fitting paneled girdle! It is enhanced when paired with a long line bra as well.
ReplyDeletei think wearing a playtex panty girdle makes you feel sexy
ReplyDeleteYes I wear and I like the Playtex 18 hour girdle, open-ended with suspenders and nylons. I also like to wear a boned longline bra with this outfit under my clothes. In a word it's fabulous.
ReplyDeleteAnd though really tight I like the way it holds me up, the way it relaxes my belly and holds my buttocks together and up. I begin to miss it when it's off so I suppose I'm progessed far along the road now.
I breathe well in it and and I now longer feel it tight, just firm all round holding me up everywhere.
The lower hem can feel like a rope tied around my thighs, the waist band is really tight, and when first I wore girdles my hips used to hurt but now I don't feel them anymore. The girdle and longline make me feel very "curved" and I like that. I love the satin-type material of the front panel that stands up against my belly all the time, holds it and gives me great relief. And I love the hug it gives my bottom all the time.
I like the pull of the suspenders, the nylons encasing my legs and the way they support my calves. l simply love the comfort of nylons on my feet, socks could never compare.
I have to sit up straight, walk straight, stairs are a bit awkward, and I have to bend my knees to pick something up.
But the support and comfort of it all is simply superb and I like being so well held together all the time.
It gets so good that my behind feels like it's in a catapult ready for take-off. It really makes me feel fitter and full of energy too.
Now and then it does actually kick up a bit, chafing and that, but that soon passes.
When I look down I get an "eyeful" with suspenders gripping my nylon tops, whew...
I have a hard bottom to the touch which I much prefer to the soft natural exposed one.
I've stopped wearing underpants altogether and replaced them with panty girdles that I pull up over my basic open-bottom girdle and now it's all doubled up in tightness which is more firm that ever.
I just can't figure why women won't wear girdles anymore as they are so nice and easy to wear all day every day. That never changed, you only have to get used to it all and you're hooked for life - and feeling and looking a lot better too.
I very well understand what you write. The first girdle I ever wore was my mother´s obg. That was long ago at the age of 14. Since then the magic of the girdle has never left me. At the age of 20 - at that time pantyhose came up and the decline of the girdle was under way - I bought my first girdle.
DeleteNothing could keep me from wearing obg with stockings under my male stuff. I became a serious girdle wearer. I simply made the experience that I did not feel properly dressed without my girdle. So it became a lifelong habit.
I never understood why women would call a girdle uncomfortable. Of course a tight girdle might restrict your movements but it does not take long and you will feel it as support. It may take a few days or even weeks to get accustomed to a tight girdle. But then you like it and you do not want to go without it again. Some call it girdle dependency.
Hooked for life - that describss it best.
And what do women say? Some found it weird that a man would wear a girdle - a garment they had given up long ago or never tried in the first place. Other liked it and enjoyed it if both were properly girdled.
However, wearing a girdle as a man may lack social acceptance but compared to the benefits that should not bother you.
Tight feels soooo right !! The Courtland Venus #5011 pull-up cuff top long leg panty with 4 smooth panels is my current favorite- an update of the Formfit (?) of fifty years ago in the "golden age of girdles" which I remember very fondly- my sister's girdle and panties were a beautiful beginning for me- girlfriends didn't mind at all. They enjoyed my tittilation.
DeleteAs a man I have always been curious about girdles are they really uncomfortable is there really a benefit to being daily in a vintage girdle. I started to get a small belly with lower back pains and a mild case of scolosis. I decided to find a professional corsetiere for both a fitting a girdle training. First she sat me down and asked me a lot of personal questions about my life style and what kind of work I do. I am very active, but for work like most of us I sit behind a computer which is really bad for your figure and your posture. She then recommended I should wear a long legged high waisted boned and zippered panty girdle like Rago 6210. She then measured my hips and waist and picked a girdle 2 sizes smaller - she told me a girdle streches and to get the needed stomach and back supported I needed to go somewhat tighter - not too tight, just enough to support my belly. She then had to teach me how to put on a girdle, lay down on a bed lean way back pull up my knees and pull up the girdle hook up the hooks and eyes and pull up the zipper and stand up. Wow was I really surprised how great I felt being all held in support and encased in a girdle, felt fanastic. She did tell me to keep my stomach muscles relaxed and just rely on the girdle for supporting my posture, she explained this can take a little time to get use to, which she was right but after a few weeks of being girdled you really feel great. She then had me develop a daily routine wake up clean up put on a girdle every day.
DeleteAfter a few weeks I found I really loved being in a girdle, I did some research and interesting enough I found to my pleasant surprise there are some serious health benefits from being daily in a girdle. We as humans stand erect which has a terrible effect on our internal organs, a girdle gives your internal organs needed support and control hold them in their normal natural position.
After my girdle experience I wanted to share my experience and spread the word how great being girdled really is, I came up with this.
Follow what I have put down here and you to like me and many others will find you will really love being in a vintage girdle everyday.
Come and discuss your girdle experience we would love hearing from you:
Twice my comment disappenunfinishedand jump fu
ReplyDeleteks no clue. Git this site together
fellas.My undies is mine. Hands
off my gigirdles like they're myy
intellectual property like my words and my garter clips! Can't
manage the job, get outta the game.I know mixed metaphores
YOU have my words somewhere
Return tthem. Hang tight amigos
GIVE ME DEATH!....sound inane
that's how repression is; what it
actually is in our case. Our race
though is fetishism- rhymes bol
shevism commnism environm-
ism intellect.ism. all known to
be mind sapping trash. Hold onto those loved shapers bud
The ladies secretly wish to be
with us mostly I've found given
tthe chance. Theyve known re-
fusing others their akallowables
aint sensible or ever fair. Stand
up fellas! Know your rights or
lose em. F R E E D O M! (or you can just go hide under mommys
skirts. ..nuff said.. snugg
I am a strait man. My belly started to growing and growing. I started to wear obg woman’s girdle. I enjoyed to wore them from the first minute. I have lost my weight successful. I liked the support of girdle. My energy grew. I feel only beneficial with girdle wearing. I advice to all man who has belly to start to wear girdle. The main thing is that may not to wear to tight girdles. I do not want to be without girdle yet.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right. Why shouldn´t a man wear a girdle? I started wearing girdles long ago. For the last 20 years I can hardly remember a day I did not wear one.
ReplyDeleteYou name the benefits. I couldn´t agree more. Either woman or man, a girdle is helpful. Often you hear that girdles are uncomfortable. When fitted properly that isn´t the case. Of course it may take some time, days or weeks, to get accustomed to a strong forming girdle. But based on my own experience I say the effort is worthwhile.
Wouldn´t you like to feel more energized. Feeling that your clothes fit better? Getting some support for your back when driving or during long hours at the desk? Then I highly recommend to try a girdle.
There are lot of different styles. From pantygirdle, longleg, highwaisted, with or without zipper, obg or corselette. Try different styles and brands and find out what fits you best.
But let me give a warining. Once you start, it is highly probable that you will never give up again. Girdle wearing will become a lifelong habit.
Indeed it does become a lifelong habit , and, for me, a lifelong obsession.
ReplyDeleteAs a male a few years ago I was fitted in a girdle Rago 6210 by a professional corsetiere. What a great experience. She did not just fit me in the right kind of girdle for me, but she also put me through girdle training.
ReplyDeleteI agree after being properly fitted and going through girdle training with in a few weeks you really do experience the benefits that a decent girdle like Rago 6210 offers you everyday, and you really do become hooked.
Come and visit us at to discuss your girdle experience.
You can reach me at
I am a guy who loves wearing classic paneled high waist girdles. They can be comfortable if sized properly and help with back support and posture I often pair a girdle with a long line bra as well.
ReplyDeleteHere and in a lot of other forums you read a lot about men who wear girdles. To me it seems that more and more men are attracted to girdles. I mean wearing girdles not only loving them on their wifes or girlfriends.
ReplyDeleteWhy not? A girdle does the same for a man as for a women. It helps to improve one´s shape. I have been wearing girdles for many years. The style varies from obg to hwpg to pg during summer. But my favourite is still the classic obg worn with stockings.
The author of this article wrote she would walk away if a man would tell her during a date that he wears a girdle. I think this man is very brave and honest. A man who wears a girdle breaks a social taboo. But isn´t it time to overcome these unwritten rules in a modern society? What´s wrong with a man who decides to wear a girdle because he feels well wearing it?
Or think one step further. A man wearing a bra. The number of men who develop breasts is increaing more and more. Isn´t it the most natural thing to wear a bra to support his breasts with a bra as most women do?
I am a straight male in my 60's weighing 200 pounds, which is still about 10-15 pounds above "my ideal" weight. Over the last few years, I have lost nearly 100 pounds I have also suffered from severe lower back pain for many years. The weight loss has resulted in massive flabby, sagging skin on my belly, thighs and backside all of which is very unsightly. Plastic surgery is an option, but would not be covered by my health insurance. My solution? I wear LEO girdles from Leonisa specifically designed for men EVERY DAY. They are very comfortable while firming up my saggy belly, flattening my backside not to mention giving my lower back outstanding support!! I feel great wearing them and my clothes look great. And, another benefit: They also tend to restrict my food intake, so maybe, being girdled, I just may just lose those last 10-15 pounds!
ReplyDeleteYou are right TM. Being girdled every day helps a lot with back pain and makes it easier to restict your calorie intake. I have been wearing girdles for more than 25 years and there is hardly a day without one. I simply feel better in my girdle. I wear different styles from hwpg to obg with stockings. After all these years I do not want to miss it.
ReplyDeleteThe way the front panel of the girdle holds my belly feels blessed! The feel of nylon around my legs is gorgeous. And when I lift my dress the suspenders lashed to the stocking tops looks awesome. It all feels so good too and the shape is marvellous. It took me longest, if I remember, to get used to the really tight and rigid waistband of my first girdle- but it takes inches off my waist.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing like the support of a girdle, my buttocks feel so wonderfully held up, it's like my bottom was in a catapult.
The way my thighs are pulled in feels the best of all. Though the silk of the nylons around my calves feels out of this world, my feet and ankles feel so free and silky, way superior to ordinary socks. So I don't wear ordinary socks anymore.
It's great to have everything packed into its place inside the girdle, I can actually feel and experience my gorgeous figure.
It can feel a bit boring at times, you have to get used to your buttocks being always squeezed in together, you have to sit up straight, you can't bend and it's hard to scratch an itch.
But it looks deadly sexy, and it feels it too!And it's simply amazing how you get used to being girdled and how you relax into it after a while.
It becomes supremely comfortable and you feel all held up and supported and that is a very nice experience all day.
I think it's best though not to let anybody else see it as it can be a bit overwhelming to see.
The support of a vintage girdle like Rago 6210 in your belly is really is amazing. It took some getting use to to keep my stomach muscles always relaxed and just rely on a girdle for supporting my posture. Once you can do this and allow the girdle to hold and support your belly you do not just look great in a vintage girdle, but you really do feel fantastic.
DeleteIt also takes developing a daily routine, wake up put on your girdle by laying down on your bed leaning way back, pull up you girdle, hook the hooks and eyes and pull up the zipper. Putting on a girdle like this you really do experience the wonderful benefits of being in a vintage girdle.
It is really beyond me why most women wouldn't want to wear a vintage girdle, the benefits are ery obvious.
What does happen over a few weeks of being girdled every day you will find you love being in a girdle.
I am a man.I am wearing girdle constantly from three years.My stomach muscles are constantly relaxed state.I like the wonderful filing when the girdle is supporting my belly. My main difficulty is to choose the right girdle. The male girdle is uncomfortable and does not support. The women's girdle is supportive and comfortable but was made for women shape.
ReplyDeleteI wear a girdle every day help keep the boys from falling out the sides and
ReplyDeleteFar more comfortable to wear (for me)
Than a lot of so called mens undies are
I do also have panties I also enjoy wearing they have a little bit wider crotch that also keep the boys in place
I am a man and I would encourage all men to try one for a few days
They,ll probably a happy place wearing a nice comfy girdle
Thanks for your valuable information, you are so creative and your services is so good but i think you need some improvement on your girdle. Visit our website Women Wearing Girdles we are provide so many types of girdles and also pregnancy support belt our all girdle quality is best and it checked by our Expert teams.
ReplyDeleteDee Jay, what´s wrong with a man wearing a girdle? Aside from the social taboo that girdles are for women there is no reason why a man should not wear a girdle. Isn´t it a sign that he cares for his posture if a man wears a girdle?
ReplyDeleteI started in my 30ties after I gained some pounds and my wife said to me "you should wear a girdle" being not really serious. But I followed her advice. Of course it took me some time to getting used to wear a girdle the whole day. But today with almost 20 years of girdle wearing experience I recommend it to wear a girdle as man. I would never go without a girdle again. I love the support it gives and feel energized the whole day. It doesn´t matter which type, that you wear one is essential. HWPG and OBG are my favourites. My wife and I we are both girdled every day.
Not only a Girdle...I also wear a Bra every day...I need and want to wear a Bra.
ReplyDeleteMy Mom suffered for years in her tight Playtex Long Leg Girdles.She wore them every day to work as a waitress, and when I picked her up, she would jump in the car and immediately begin scratching her girdled belly with both hands!I can only imagine how many times she was unable to resist scratching it at the restaurant but it had to be often and embarrassing.When we got home, she would run to the bathroom to take it off!Sometimes my Dad would be waiting to take her out to dinner and the look on her face would say it all!.That only meant two more hours of torture and more often than not she would return home nauseous and throw up her dinner in the toilet, unable to keep it down with that tight girdle on for so many hours.Believe me, she never got used to it, even after wearing it for many years and hated putting it on until the end.
ReplyDeleteOnce you try on a girdle and like it you wear one everyday
I wear a panty girdle then tights a long leg panty girdle tights and a high waist llpg over that 2 corseletteds
ReplyDeleteMy gorgeous older sister wore a long leg light blue nylon spandex panty girdle with garters as a extremely sexy young blonde hair Receptionist for a Eye Clinic underneath her skirts helping customers with their glasses 🤓 and answering the phone ☎️
ReplyDeleteI use to put on my extremely sexy older blonde hair sisters long leg panty girdle and silky tan nylons all the time inside her bedroom while she was downstairs talking to my mother. I use to love looking at myself inside my sisters full length bedroom mirror turning around and bending over while looking in the mirror 🪞 Making myself extremely horny just knowing that my beautiful older sister wore very sexy girdle while waiting helping customers with their glasses 🤓 l pulled my sisters girdle down Just enough to pull my hard dick out and Jack my dick off with while looking at myself inside my beautiful older sisters mirror still Admiring myself wearing a gorgeous young woman’s Long Leg Panty GIRDLE that is a beautiful young blonde hair Receptionist for a Eye Clinic helping customers with their glasses 🤓 While wearing this totally gorgeous Sexy Nylon Spandex Long Leg Girdle that I am now wearing in complete SECRECY 😛 Plus my beautiful older sisters silky Tan Nylons connected to my gorgeous sisters Garters 😛 My beautiful older sister has to pull her skirt up light blue Nylon Slip up and pull down all her Sexy Long Leg Girdle plus her sexy Silky Nylons in Order for her to PEE which NOW I AM TOTALLY ALL WEARING MYSELF 🤦♀️ TALK ABOUT Absolutely Sexy LINGERIE 🤦♀️ AND MY GORGEOUS OLDER SISTER has it AND HER NAUGHTY LITTLE BROTHER GETS TO WEAR IT🤦♀️
DeleteSome young guy was in the next women’s Toilet 🚽 Stall and was standing on the toilet seat Peeing Over the Stall wall watching my beautiful older sister sitting on the toilet 🚽 SEAT PEEING She Just happened to look up and see him and SCREAM 😱 He ran out the Woman’s Restroom back down the stairs and left the Business Building. I know he must have seen my gorgeous sisters Sexy Lingerie pulled down and her 5-STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Big Fat Ass 🤦♀️ Also must have heard my beautiful sister PEEING 🤦♀️Pretty Lucky Fellow if I do say so 🤦♀️ Must have seen my beautiful older sisters Big Ass on that Toilet Seat 🤦♀️He will never forget it 🤦♀️And heard my gorgeous sisters PEE FLOWING OUT OF Her Hairy PUSSY 🤦♀️BMHS ROCK RIVER TURTLE CREEK
DeleteNOTHING BETTER THAN SEEING A YOUNG BLONDE HAIR GORGEOUS WOMAN 👩 SITTING ON A TOILET 🚽 SEAT BUTT ASS NAKED 🤦♀️Especially a RECEPTIONIST or a SECRETARY 🤦♀️ THEY ALWAYS HAVE THE BEST LINGERIE 🤦♀️I was very fortunate to have a beautiful older sister that wears all of it as a extremely sexy young blonde hair RECEPTIONIST 🤦♀️ BMHS ROCK RIVER
DeleteI absolutely love ❤️ Jacking off while sniffing my extremely gorgeous older sisters dirty panty crotches that she wore entirely all day underneath her girdle while waiting on customers with their glasses 🤓 and answering the phone ☎️ BMHS I Always find my gorgeous sisters pussy hairs inside her dirty panty crotches for me to totally enjoy 🤦♀️ The most sought out Treasure Pussy Hairs 🤦♀️Belonging to a beautiful young woman 🤦♀️That Happens to be my older sister 🤦♀️
DeleteI use to wear my extremely gorgeous older blonde hair 👱♀️ sister CLOTHES including her LINGERIE and Buster Brown Penny Loafers That She Wore at the eye clinic entirely all day as a young blonde hair 👱♀️ extremely sexy RECEPTIONIST waiting on Customers while wearing outfits with a big sexy smile while wearing a nylon Bra Panties long leg nylon spandex panty girdle with garters for tan silky Nylons that I also wear 😜 My sisters clothes fit me FABULOUSLY 🤦♀️ My sisters Whole COMPLETE Outfits fit
I am a man and wear a girdle every day. There is nothing better to remind you to watch what you eat and be aware of yourself. I have worn a girdle everyday for over 50 years. My girlfriends had always thought it was cute, and my wife of 45 years enjoys both of us being girdled. Nothing to be embarrassed about, they feel great, just enjoy.
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