Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dating Someone Hot Makes You Hot

I read about a recent survey that found when a man or woman dates someone more attractive than him or herself that person becomes more desirable to others.

Well ahrighty then!

I do not want to slam any celebrity couples but a few come to mind. Pretty girl, well beeeaauuuuuutiful girl, with an OK looking dude. Sorry, cannot think of many stunning, drop-dead gorgeous men with ugg mo women.

Any who.

The survey caused me to pause. And then after thinking about it I started wondering why would this happen?

I think it has something to do with our innate ability to survive...survival of the fitess on the relationship front. So a guy we never thought was even near Handsome Drive looks a little better to women or at least worth checking out if he has a pretty girl.

I had a guy tell me that once a man is seen with a woman other women start clamoring, saying I am going to take him away from her!

But why is this? Do women find men more attractive when he has someone - married or in a relationship? And does it matter if she is cute?

1 comment:

  1. Makes sense to me. Otherwise, you would have to explain the appeal of Flava Flav....and there's no amount of vodka on EARTH that can explain that...
