Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sagging And Bouncing Boobies Need Support

There comes a time in a person's life when brutal, in-yo-face honesty is needed.

Oprah tried to reach all of these women a few years back. She did a show on how to get measured properly for a bra, but she didn’t reach everyone so I’m mobilizing the troops to start a wear a good bra campaign.

I'm an underwear crazy woman. I like pretty underwear. I like underwear to match. But I'm adding one more thing to my obsession with underwear. I want women to wear bras that actually provide support. I also want women who are bigger than a B cup to get out of the I Can Go Without My Bra Club because you cannot.

I gave up my membership to the I Can Go Without My Bra Club a few years back. I’ve had boobies since the 4th grade, yep, 4th grade. And quite honestly, I remained the same size from 4th grade until I was about 30. Fo real, fo real.

I could wear halters and strapless cutesy tops and not even worry. Banga Boom. Pow Yow! Step out and there wouldn't be so much bounce. Cute. Foxy.

But I had to give up my membership to the I Can Go Without My Bra Club. But er uhhh, I haven't given up my membership to the Perky Club. LOLOLOL

Any who.

I see soooo many women who have on bras that are doing absolutely nothing -- notta, zip, zero, zilch, negative. The way they look before they put on a bra is the way they look when they put on a bra.

Your boobs are not supposed to hang! I'm screaming now. Your boobs are not supposed to hang!!

I don’t care if you have had children. There are bras to make the girls look specfabulous.

Recently, I had to have a bra intervention with a good friend. She wears nice bras but she pulls the support strappy thingamajigs down so loosely that there’s absolutely no support and it looked as if she didn’t even have a bra on when she would be wearing one.

The intervention required her to look at her boobies with her bra and then look at her boobies without her bra and then finally to look at her boobies with the bra with the straps tightened. She was amazed at the difference. And I was doing the happy dance because she finally got it.

But there’s a need, a real need for friends across the country to unite and tell their friends, sisters, mothers that their bras don’t fit right. They don't fit correctly. Your bra doesn't look right. Your bra is all wrong. All to get across the point that bras should provide support.

I remember when I gave up my membership to the I Can Go Without My Bra Club. It was my ex-husband who told me that I needed to go home and put on a bra. I was shocked. I gave him attitude, like you talking to me!

I was really shocked, but he was serious and it was the truth. And the truth needed to be told. I had no business wearing that top without a bra -- flat out.

So ladies and guys, it's time to unite to fight for the bra cause. If your friend, woman, relative is wearing a bra that doesn’t provide support, tell her. And if your friend or wife is going without a bra and should not be doing so tell her.

I'll deal with funky butts going without underwear next time ya hear. LOLOLOLOL

Do you know someone who needs a bra intervention? Tell me about it.

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