Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is Snoring Unlady Like?

Snoring is more likely to be a problem with men and for people who are overweight.

And if you are sleeping with the snoring enemy, it will just get worse with time or perhaps you will just get used to it.

Research shows that 45 percent of adults snore occasionally and 25 percent are habitual snorers.

And here's one more medical thingamagig, snoring is an indication of obstructed breathing.

With all that said, I think it's more likely for a woman to look at a man catching zzzzs and raising the roof with all the ruckus than it is for a man to look at a woman who is snoring away like a bear.

I've read that snoring is a big deal in relationships. I can't say that I've ever truly experienced a problem with a bear in my bed. There have been bouts of extra heavy breathing after a couple cocktails but I can't say that I've done a bunch of pushing and shoving to turn over because of snoring.

It seems also that snoring can cause a couple to break up a marriage or a relationship.

I couldn't find any statistics so I sought information from the Diggity Institute. The findings were that men are not as affected in relationships. Women, on the other hand, are viewed differently when they snore.

The Diggity Institute says this is a turnoff to men. Women will sleep with a man who snores loudly and proudly, but men will not. They prefer heavy breathers. LOLOLO

Is the research from the Diggity Institute correct? Ladies, are you turned off by your man's snoring? Fellas, are you turned off by your lady snoring? Tell me.

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