Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Finger Length Determines Jerks?

It may not take a few dates any more to figure out if a guy is a jerk.

There are all kinds of talk about a man's shoe size and hand size. I even discovered that the size of a DI is the length from the base of the hand to the tip of the middle finger. Yep, sure did.

But now there's research that indicates that the length of the fourth finger will determine if you are dating a jerk.

A new study says a hormone known as androgen which affects masculine traits like aggression and strength can affect that finger's length. When there are high levels in the womb, the fourth finger becomes longer than the second finger.

If that fourth finger is longer, the person is more likely to be more competitive and promiscuous.


I'm not sure what this indicates in females and although the study doesn't reveal anything about women, it can’t be a good thing.

And if you don't think the finger is a good indicator of a jerk, there are a few other signs of jerkitis.

10. He won't stop talking about himself.

9. He never opens the door for you. In fact, he often slams it shut in your face.

8. He introduces you as "Some chick I’m with."

7. He won't stop talking about his former girlfriends.

6. He spends more time gazing into the mirror than he does into your eyes.

5. He spends more time gazing at other women than he does into your eyes.

4. His endearing names for you include "fat butt," and "dummy."

3. He hates your dog.

2. Your dog hates him.

1. When he says he'll call and of course doesn't, you're genuinely relieved.

Fellas, are these signs real indicators? What are other signs that you are dating the wrong guy or girl?

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