Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Hairstylist Knows A Lot Of My Business

I ran into a former hairstylist who did my hair for many years and it was great catching up.

As we sat at an area bar talking, it felt like we hadn’t skipped a day of talking. I would say it’s been about a year since we have actually talked.

At that time, I was still married so my life was much different. In our previous conversations, I’m not sure what we talked about. Probably nothing.

But our recent conversation was gooooood, real gooood, and it reminded me of the importance of a hairstylist.

Whew! They know all your business.

We started talking about me and what’s new. And wow, there is a lot that is new with me.

Ummm, everything is new.

I’m divorced.

I have been blessed with a peace I’ve never known.

I’m feeling foxy roxy cause I have been working out and I have a new body, body. Heck, I'm just excited about living, loving and laughing.

And I have a new guy in my life.

Sooooo where do I start?

She also had new stuff too. She has a new home, a fairly recent addition to her family and a happy marriage.

Our conversation topics jumped from one thing to the next so quickly that it really reminded me of when I used to sit in her chair for my weekly hair do and therapy session.

And yea, it was therapy.

On my drive home, I thought about the comfort in which I felt sharing the new details of my new life. I thought about how much she really knew about it me, and whew it blew my mind.

She knows a lot.

Any who.

She did my hair for several years before I was married. She did my hair for me on my wedding day. She did my hair a few years into my marriage. I’m not sure when she stopped doing my hair actually.

While driving, I kept thinking that there has never been anyone else who has done my hair who I have confided in as much as her. Yea, I chop it up a bit but this girl knows some stuff, whew, she knows some stuff about my relationships.

At a women's ministry meeting at my church, a female pastor talked about what intimacy truly means. The pastor said intimacy is when you share without holding back because you do not worry about being judge. You are open and honest and you have no problem revealing your self to another. She said it is Into-Me-See.

And it's really true.

Does your hairstylist or barber know a lot about you and your relationship? Do you consider them a therapist? Do you consider them a friend? Do you confide in him or her? Do you have that same comfortability with your spouse or significant other?

Share your comments or e-mail me


  1. No not at all.
    I stopped going to my hairstylist because I was weary of hearing about her daughter's behavioral issues, her book, and her letters to members of the Ohio educational system. when I went back to her earliear this year, she picked right up.... Argh. I just want to read my book or crochet while she is doing my hair.

  2. Almost forgot
    Last time, I started talking about someone giving me the evil eye. I think that worked
