Monday, August 17, 2009

Every Couple Has Had Or Needs Counseling

I'm not ashamed to say that I have seen a therapist.

And I would go as far to say that every person that has been married, thinking about being married or can't find anybody to marry should see a therapist. :)

Seriously, I don't think there is a married couple for as far as the eyes can see that can say that they haven't sought some type of counseling because marriage is hard.

I debated on the word "hard" for a while because I said well my marriage didn't work so I can't speak for the other 50 percent of Americans whose marriages last. But nah. I can say it. I can say it and feel strongly.

Marriage is hard. Relationships are hard.

Marriage and relationships are hard because it takes work. Nothing about it is easy. It's like building a house.

Some people build shacks. They put in minimal work and get a minimal house.

Some people build nice homes. They put in a lot of work and get a decent home.

Some people build beautiful homes. They put in enormous work and end up with a luxurious home.

In each case, the couple is finding and using the necessary skills and tools to build the relationship -- to build the home to make it the best it can be.

Also in each case, there becomes crucial times when the couple needs help to move to the next level. Shack builders can improve and get a beautiful home. And beautiful homes can turn into luxurious home. After all, you only get out what you put into it.

Ummm, you can't build a beautiful home with straw.

I'm not sure why people think seeing a therapist is a bad thing. It's not. At least not to me.

As a matter of fact, I think seeing a therapist speaks volumes about a person knowing that they don't have all the answers and that they don't know it all.

It's really just like a trip to the home building or building relationship store and going to the salesperson and saying "I need some help on how to fix this. I need some help on how to make this better." And I've heard it's here.

What do you think about seeing a therpist? Have you ever seen one? Would you see a therapist to save your relationship?

Share your thoughts with me here or e-mail me at


  1. Here's why some people wouldn't see a therapist: Because the process by definition means finding things that are wrong, picking at them, examining them and making them the focus, rather than being happy with the things that are good.

  2. You are absolutely right! Therapy is pointing out what is wrong and that is tough for people who are not open to improving or changing.
