Thursday, December 4, 2014

Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex But No Dating

Each year, there are new words introduced to the dictionary. If there was a list of words considered for deletion, I would put DATING on that list.

My experience with dating is that it is slowly becoming extinct. Men do not want to date. They want to text you or talk to you via social media. They want you to send them a pic. No, not just a pic -- a bootie pic and then they want to smash. Yep, smash! Badda bing and boom!

Dating is suffering a fate of non-existence. I hate it!

Many singles do not seem interested in getting to know each other. But then how are you to determine if a person is a good match if you do not know his/her fears, deepest desires, strengths and weaknesses? You need to know how they feel about religion, family, school, career, money and a host of other things. All this can not be figured out on the first date. It takes time.

Dating is the period in which two people are getting to know each other. The man is getting to know the woman and the woman is getting to know the man. It's mutual. This is not a one-way street. Yea, it can be fun, but the purpose -- the main focus -- is to get to know the person so that you can determine if that person's goals and values align with yours.

OK, you value education. He does not. You value family time. She does not. If we simply had conversations -- not a bunch of exchanges on social media or text messages -- with a potential mate, we would be able to determine if the person is in or out.

If you listen, and I do mean listen, to someone you can figure all that out and really save yourself a lot of heartache and pain.

But listen to how they feel about stuff before jumping in bed, on the couch or on the floor with him!!! LOLOLOL

If you don't listen, you will not find yourself in a relationship or a situationship with someone who doesn't value what you value and that will be tough!

And I think that men can easily put women in the "out" category. (Feel free to correct me, fellas) Ladies, this is when you are trying to figure out what is going on. This is when you are wondering why he doesn't call more often or ask to see you. Well, sweets, if a man finds, discovers, runs across a woman that he really wants in his life, you will not have to nudge him, push or prod him. He will show interest on his own. He will be calling, texting, asking without provocation. :)

Ladies, we are not so quick to put guys in the "out" category. It seems that we keep every man that we encounter in and sometimes even believe that "He Is The One." No, no, no and no! We need to be more like men. And when he doesn't meet the bill, do not give him attention like he does. Heck, I say give him zero attention and keep it movin'. He is slowing you down.

Ladies, he should date you. You may, in fact, be the only woman who has ever encouraged him to do it. If he doesn't know how to date, give suggestions on things that you two can do. And don't kill the man's pockets. Find inexpensive ways to get to know each other. If you need some help with that, e-mail me. But ladies, if he doesn't want to date you, he is telling you he does not really want to get to know you. Yesssss! He is telling you that he does not want to get to know you.

And if your goal is to determine if your life's goals, your values, your goals align with his, how will you be able to determine that by sitting in the house. You need to see and experience him in different settings to see how he deals with other people. You may have a real live nut on your hand and not even know it because you have only experienced his interaction with you.

OK, I'm done with it, but just remember: If he doesn't want to date, he is not looking for a mate!

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