Sunday, December 14, 2014

When You Feel Like You Gotta Pee During Sex

I truly enjoy the ladies of my book club. Just yesterday, we had our Christmas Party and it was a lot of fun.

We talk candidly and openly about many things and because there is such diversity -- age, relationship status, children, education, profession -- we all contribute in our own unique way.

I consider myself the crazy one in the group. I will say and do just about anything for a laugh. Laughter is great for the soul!

Soooooo during a game, Two Truths and One Lie, I wanted to get folks laughing and I wanted to talk about sex. Yep, Sex! I like talking about relationships, but I like talking about sex too. Plus, my opinion is that sex is a huge part of a romantic relationship. I'm always interested in hearing about somebody's experience or learning something. Any who, the object of the game was to determine whose card was being read.

I write my lie on the card: "I boo boo'd on myself while trying to relax during sex so that I could squirt."

The member who read my card could not even get the words out of her mouth before she was in tears laughing at what I had written. Everyone agreed that they thought the card was mine so I acknowledged that it was and the conversation started.

Someone asked: "Do you squirt?" "Well, I have never," another voice said. Yet another said, "That is pee." "It is the best thing ever," another voice chimes in.

The conversation got real good as one of the nurses in the group explained it only like a nurse could.

I interject: "Well, they say it usually happens when a man hits the G-spot and it really happens a lot if he has a curve." Laughter fills the room again as I imitate a sexual act with a curve.

It was a good, healthy, fun conversation.

It's common knowledge that the brain is the largest sex organ. The mind is truly amazing. While working on my book, "30 Ways To Better Sex," I realized how much I have evolved as a sexual being. I truly believe that in order to experience full, complete satisfaction that you must be completely comfortable in your skin. You gotta be OK with your body. You gotta be OK with what turns you on and not pretend when something turns you off. You have to be able to communicate with your partner. You have to be able to share of yourself in the deepest way possible. It is easy to have a sexual encounter and perhaps even enjoy it, but it is a true love experience when you can be open and honest with your partner in and out of the bedroom.

Allowing yourself to completely let go and to completely be in the moment with your partner is more mental than physical. If you let go, you risk being vulnerable. If you let go, you allow yourself to be free. You allow yourself to experience satisfaction on the highest level. You allow yourself to be open. You allow yourself to love.

So back to squirting. Do you think it's real? Is there a female ejaculation or do you think it is pee-pee? LOLOLOL

To get my book, "30 Ways To Better Sex," go to or e-mail me:


  1. When I was younger, I didn't understand what was happening. I found myself apologizing to my partner, though I enjoyed it. He was also clueless, and he attributed the experience to me have a really wet vagina. After researching what was happening, I began to live for the experience. IT'S NOT URINE! I attempt to squirt during each sexual experience.

    1. Yaaaay! I am so happy someone had the courage to talk about their experience. No, it's not urine :)
