Monday, November 7, 2011

Married People Should Stay At Home

Often, singles are ranting about how they want to be in a committed relationship. They want that special someone.

But there are many sacrifices that I don't think singles think about as they are yearning that special someone. We have all heard the jibberish about compromise.

But I think compromise is one of the key ingredients to a lasting relationship. Singles can be just as selfish as they wanna be, but when a person enters into a relationship, it becomes necessary to think about the other person.

The luxury of being single is you can come and go as you please. You can do what you want and don't have to answer to ANNNNNNYBODY....How bout that!When a person is in a committed relationship, you have to listen to someone else's feelings about your behavior.

If some type of behavior -- going out to a club, cooking, cleaning, blah blah blah --is bothering your mate, you have to fix it and fix it fast.One of my gfs loves to go out but she doesn't go out as much since she got married. Another gf wanted to go out twice in one weekend but then when she shared this with her husband he said NOPE, I don't want you to go out, so she stayed home.

On a recent trip to Puerto Rico, there were a few husbands of the people who journeyed along with me, who were truly upset about their other half going with a "single" friend/relative.

I guess they thought that their significant other was so weak that if I told them to go sleep with half of the men in the hotel that they would. Or maybe they thought I was going to encourage them to drink or shop...foolishness I say, foooooooolishness!

I don't have control over anybody and nobody has control over me to make me do something that I didn't want to do anyway.Any who.I wanted an all-girl trip to celebrate my 40th.

I wanted to go to Puerto Rico and relax and enjoy. And I did not want a fella with me. On my bucket list was an All-Girl trip and now it is checked off.But after that trip and the uproar it caused with a couple of the married people and the recent events for a few of my friends and relatives having to change their plans because of their spouses, I am beginning to think that being single (as in unmarried) is not bad at all.

Some of the perks of being single are:

1. You don't have to answer to anybody.
2. You don't have to answer to anybody.
3. You don't have to answer to anybody.


There is always discussion about the negative aspect of being single. But what are the advantages of being single?

1 comment:

  1. I admit that I often look at couples and yearn for the companionship of a significant other but more often than not my single self says "girl be careful what you wish for"! Being single I can come and go as I please. I don't have to worry about what we're gonna eat when I get off. Just the other day I had a Klondike bar for dinner. I don't have to share my space on the couch and I have the whole bed to myself. There are days I don't wanna do a doggone thing and I can do just that because I don't have to worry about how its going to affect my boo. Not saying that I some point I don't want a relationship but right now Im enjoying my "Single Season" and loving it! An excellent book that I often go back to from time to time is "Single, Sassy and Satisfied" by Michelle McKinney Hammond. When I was having a difficult time with this single thing at my age this book really but things into perspective for me.
