Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sleeping In Separate Beds Is Bad

Experts say don’t go to bed angry, but what about don’t go to bed in separate rooms.

I think that sleeping in separate rooms or one person not coming to bed at night spells TROUBLE.

I may be a bit old-fashion in my mindset but I think it’s important for married folks to sleep together, if work schedules permit.

Some people get mad and just stay mad. I don’t really get this. I have never understood this type of anger.

Throughout my marriage, we had bouts of sleeping separately. Mainly, it would be that he wouldn’t come to bed.

I have to say that when we started sleeping in separate rooms and it didn’t bother me, it was clear in my mind that it was over.

Sleeping in a bed with someone and feeling like you are sleeping alone is just as bad I might add. Have you ever sat in a room with a person and felt like you were in the room alone? That’s a huge disconnect.

But I recently had a conversation with a friend who shared with me that she and her husband are now sleeping in separate rooms.

I just held the phone and listened, but I wanted to cry. My heart ached.

After listening for a while, I finally interjected and shared with her that I don’t think this is a good idea.

I don’t know why I think this, but separating from your spouse like that is just the beginning of the end. It’s opening the door for other bad behavior.

We all want to experience a closeness with another human no matter what we say. So being rejected like that by a person you have shared vows is just the ultimate rejection. Looking back, I'm sure this was one of the things that hurt the most in my marriage.

I don’t think that people realize that holding short-term grudges and displaying in- need-of-anger management behavior is unnecessary.

It opens the door for your spouse to fall in the arms of someone who is nice and understanding.

It opens the door for your spouse to give a person a second glance when they smile.

It opens the door for your spouse to connect emotionally with another or disconnect completely from you.

I don’t have all the correct answers to the married multiple-choice test. But I’m sure that sleeping in separate rooms is not a good answer.

I’m not trying to create that type of separation in my current relationship. I'm not hanging up the phone in anger. I'm not staying mad all day. I'm not going to be mean for the sake of being mean. I'm not playing with anyone's emotions. I'm not doing it. And I don't expect for it to be done to me.

I'm not a fan of the emotional rollercoaster. It’s unhealthy. It’s emotionally diminishing. It’s sad.

I’ve always felt that the love a person really has for you is displayed during adversity, during times of difficulty.

Face it. It’s easy to get along when things are wonderful and fun and exciting.

The true test is when that ugly monster called trouble rears its head. How you respond during adversity really spells out how you feel about your significant other, at least that’s what I think.

Soooo, if you get inpatient and become nasty, it says something about the love you share for that person.

If you say nasty things and hang up the phone, it says something about the love you share for that person.

If you prefer or choose to sleep in another room, it says something about the love you share for that person.

Do you get upset with your significant other and sleep in another room? How do you deal with your anger? How do you deal with trouble? Do you think the way you deal with trouble says anything about your relationship?

Share your comments here or e-mail me at


  1. I agree. I have a friend that told her husband that she wanted to sleep in separate beds just so she could sleep better at night. They didn't even start sleeping in seperate beds, but he felt so rejected by her statement it was the begining of the end.

    She might of said "I think I'd sleep better in seperate beds", but he heard "I don't want to have sex with you".

    He started cheating on her about six months later, separated about nine months later, then divorced.

  2. Wow! Yea, there is no reason to sleep in separat beds get nose strips, wear masks to stay in the bed with your spouse is my belief :)
