Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dating Is Fibbin' To Find Love

Why aren't people completely honest about their situation? Why do people lie while dating?

I don't think that people understand that conveniently leaving out necessary, helpful information is lying.

Stay with me.

People lie for all types of reasons. To stay out of trouble. Think of your fibs as a kid.

To preserve reputation. Think of when you didn't want to admit that you actually had sex with her or him. LOLOLOLO

To avoid hurting someone's feelings. This one is more like when a co-worker or friend has an ugly baby and you say, "Oh, she is so adorable," when you know that the kid is muggly uggly.

To increase stature or reputation. We all have one of these big phat liars in the workplace. You know, that co-worker who leads everyone in your company to believe that he is single-handedly responsible for the success of a team project.

To manipulate. These lies usually damage other peoples' reputations.

To control information. These are those indirect lies to conceal important facts.

This is the type of lie that is used the most while dating and cause feelings to get hurt.

Think about it. If you are missing a piece of information it could change the way you see something. For example, what if you spend a lot of time with a woman, who is believed to be single. But then you find out she is married to a man who travels a lot.

That would be jiggy jiggy jacked up, right?

My gf shared with me that she doesn't understand the point of guys just lying to be lying. And she's talking about those indirect lies to conceal important facts.

She said she had been dating a guy for several months. Everything was love. Ooooweee! Great conversations. Super nookie (Sex):) Wonderful!

But then something just happened. He grew a bit more distant and said he was really busy with work.

He finally, after she grabbed her Lie-Remover Tools and started talking, came clean.

"No more sleepovers," he said.

"I know there is more than that," she responded.

"Something has developed with someone I have known for a while. I'm not sure where it's heading," he said.

"Thanks," she said.

"You probably were thinking that," he said.

"Was I? I don't guess."

"You're pretty smart."

"I don't play guessing games."

"You said you knew there was you knew something."

"I knew you were being vague. I didn't know you were omitting."

Omitting. That is key.

She was asking and wondering and thinking, but after he decided to pursue a relationship with another woman, he strung her along for a little bit -- just in case. Why?

Why not just say, I've met someone.

Or is it necessary while dating to juggle someone you like with someone you think you like more before you tell the one that you just like that you don't want to see him or her anymore? If you didn't catch that, read it again.

I say yeppers 'cause all is fair in love and war.

I kinda see dating like interviewing for a job.

You go in for your first interview and things go well and then you get called back for a second interview. Finally, you get a call saying you have the position. There's some negotiation on the salary and benefits and you get a starting date.

Only then do you go to your current employer and say, "See ya!"

But wouldn't feelings be left unhurt and time be saved if people had enough guts to come on out with it?

How should this be done? I really like you but you have three of the five things I must have in a potential mate.

Maybe --- I have just been using you so that I didn't have to be alone.

Or should it be, I just want to continue seeing other people. I'm not ready to settle down.

I hate this happened to my gf. I really do, but I think it's better to get out of something that's not going to be good sooner than later.

Don't waste a moment, not even a second.

But even more than that, I believe he was just getting out of the way for the man who will tell my gf, "You are everything I ever wanted in a woman" and mean it.

Share your comments here about lies of omission or your dating strategy or e-mail me at


  1. Lying in a relationship is the worst because it's almost impossible to gain that trust back but leaving out information we can debate. We all agree that if you conveniently forget to tell him/her you are married that's lying but if you conveniently forget to tell him/her you love to walk around the house bucket naked that's not lying. When I start dating I am very guarded with my information. If the person is the total opposite of me and wide open, she could possibly think I am hiding something from when at the end of the day, Hell, I don't know her. People should treat their information like their bodies. You don't give it all up on the first date. You get to know that person and when the time is right you share your most valued asset. Treat your information in the same light.

    Dating is like a job interview.......remember that the best job is not always the job with the great salary and bomb benefits. Find that company that you can grow with and has the possibilities of advancement and most importantly you can stay on board until retirement.

    Damn, I need a new job............

  2. Mr. Fantasy, the leaving out information lie is a lie of omission :) I know that may be hard for you to grasp, most people have difficulty with it. LOLOLOLOL

    I agree on not telling soooo much soooo soon. That sends folks running for the hills.

  3. The job interview thing is great. When it's early, just starting out, you don't have to zero in on one person right away and can keep options open.

  4. great work ms. jeter

  5. Darlene, I love your blogs! It is always straight up everyday life "stuff"... funny, interesting and also educating!

  6. Thanks Anonymous. I really appreciate that :)
