Monday, March 9, 2009

Look In Mirror And Say 'I LOVE YOU!'

As a cold knocked me on my butt, for some reason, I thought about my marriage vows.

"I take you ________ (I'm just gonna leave this blank :) ), to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

Better or worse is the toughest in my eyes. As a matter of fact when the pastor said it to me, I probably should have responded, "What you talkin' bout Willis?"

But before I knew it I had put on my big girl panties and my tough girl Tims and was standing in the middle of the room with both hands in the air saying,"What, What, What?" Oh yea, I WO-manned up.

But it didn't work!

And then there is sickness and health. And yea, I purposely skipped over richer and poorer. That's a blog topic I will write about in the voice of Penelope Foster, a newlywed in my book, "Choosing Mr. Wrong."

I haven't been sickly but there have been a few situations for which I needed a little more compassion, consideration and patience. I have a MAJOR fear of needles. Really, just looking at a needle causes me to break out in a sweat and feel faint. I also have a very low tolerance for pain. OUCHH! And my monthly visitor brings the noise.

During my marriage, I often put on my nurse outfit and jetted to the store for medicine or warmed up chicken noodle soup. I can only remember a few times when I got the patient's treatment but why cry over spilled Nyquil.

I'm the baby of my family but no babying was needed. A compassionate "Are you OK?" or "Are you feeling better?" would have been nice though.

I'm into a treatment called say-positive-things-to-yourself-in-the-mirror and I often look myself in the mirror and say things like, "Gone girl!" "Do it Foxy Roxy!" "You are the best, girl!" and "Hey, Cutie."

Although my head makes me feel like I'm a big head infant with a weak neck and this danggone cough makes it feel like a weight is being dropped on my chest, I pushed my way to the mirror and said, "I love you girl! Feel better."


  1. Are you ok?
    Are you feeling better?
    Can I make you some homemade chicken soup?
    Can I run to the store and pick up something for your stomach cramps?
    Get well soon. Call me if you need me.
