Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Would You Share Your Significant Other?

I am always hearing some of the most outrageous stories, but one of the ones I heard lately has definitely served as the icing on the case.

One of my bfs told me that he met a girl who told him that she is getting her life in order. When he said this, I was thinking you may just want to wait until she gets her life in order, but I held back and continued to listen.

And yea, I know we are all a work in progress, but if someone comes right on out and says I need to get my life in order, things must be a mess.

Any who.

He said the girl who is sweet as pie said that she has a guy who serves as her only source of income. Whatda? Whatda? Whatda?

Only source of income means, she does not have a job, correctdamungo, I ask. He confirms but adds she is in school.

OK, good thing but ummmmm again she doesn't sound like a good prospect to me sooooo I just keep listening.

Finally, I can't hold back after he tells me that the chickypoo actually asked her guy if it would be OK for her to have sex with him. Whatda? Whatda? Whatda?

I just about fell out of my seat. I have never heard of such a thing before in my life. Do people actually share and they know they are sharing? Let me Rephrase, reword that. Do people actually ask their significant other who is their sole source of income can he or she sleep with someone else who has them all hot and bothered? Wowsa Yowsa! What is this world coming too?

Apparently, some people do. But what is even more outrageous is that he told me that the fella gave her permission. OK, I fell out of my chair. LOLOLOLOL

Are you fo real, fo real, fo real or are you making this shiggidy up, I ask.

He told me he couldn't make that shiggidy up and he is right. Who makes up that sorta story?

But I was just beside myself thinking of how dependent she is and how much of a loser the other fella must be. Heck for a second, I was thinking his equipment needed to be repaired. Shooot, I don't know what the problem could be, but ummmmm I told my friend to find someone, something else, anything else to do than to continue with this in-school, dependent, chickypoo because he may find himself the sole source of income. :)

But his question to me is has it gotten that bad with dating that people would actually consider sharing? Not the he or she is cheating on you and you got a feeling....the I want to sleep with other people, but I still want to be with you type scenario.

Would you ever give your significant other permission to sleep with other people? Tell me.


  1. Well no. But if he were not a true SO and merely some guy I was dating then perhaps

  2. Google cuckold lol. It's apparently everywhere. Though personally I don't advise it... many risks to the relationship imo.
