I have found myself lying awake on a few recent nights. Carmen Electra has put her snout on the edge of my bed to let me know she had some business to take care of and after getting up I haven't been able to doze back off to sleep.
There is one other reason but I will blog about that next week :)
Any who.
After I check facebook, e-mails, news and gossip sites, I put my faith in the TV to rock me back to sleep. Typically, Carm will wake me up at some awful hour when there is absolutely nuttin on TV. I used to pop in my DVD of "The Diary of a Mad Black Woman" or any other movie I could put my hands on but errrr ummmm recently I've been just looking at whatever is on.
Flip, flip, flip and usually I come up with nuttin, nope, nuttin is on in the wee hours of the morning. Somebody, anybody needs to consider a cable station for peeps who cannot sleep - fo real, fo real!
I say this because early morning, or late night depending on how anal about the time of day you are, TV is all infomercials about chat lines showing off ladies' lips and boobs. What da heckypoo? Dat shiggidy is for men. What about the women who can't sleep? I do not want to see or hear Ms. 36 DD talk in a whisper tone in an effort to entice me to call!!!!! I'm not calling.
And then there are the fitness commercials. What is with this? Do you actually get motivated to start a workout plan at 4 in the morning? Ummmmm NO! At least I didn't. It is not like peeps are gonna jump outta bed and do some jumping jacks.
But after flipping and flipping, one night I found some really good stuff. It was a shopping station for sex toys and all dat stuff lololololo
Now this is good TV as I listen to what these thingamajigs claim to do. Heck, I think one toy had a feature to pour a glass of wine and rub feet lolololol Nah, I'm just kidding but the toys were quite interesting.
But although I frown at Ms.36 DD and her fire red lipstick, I bet those chickypoos rake in the cashola at those hours. And I even think the dating sites prolly get a lot of folks logging on during the veil of the night, but I see you, I seeeeee you.
But this brings me to a question. Have you ever called one of those sex lines, dating lines during the early morning hours? Looked at porn online or even purchased one of those amazing toys that rub your feet? lololololo
Online porn is free! best part