When you get all hot and bothered, there are likely spots that get you really hot and bothered, but sex experts say fudge the regular old spots if you are interested in getting things really revved up. Try something new.
And heck maybe you’ve tried it but I just thought I would pass along the 411.
But if you hate footsies, the first one is not for you.
A woman's big toe is supposedly an erogenous zone.
Yea, folks talk of toes curling and toe-curling diggity but it appears that the big toe has a neurological link between your private. It has actually been discovered that stimulating the big toe and the footsies can cause a woman to have an orgasm.
The first time I had reflexology done on my feet during a massage, it was mind blowing. I really enjoyed it. I mean, I really enjoyed it. I didn’t think I had an orgasm. *blushing*
But I do remember being wiped out and completely relaxed.
And then the experts say that the soles of his feet is another sexy spot.
Ladies, here's the move the experts say you should try.
"Aim for an acupressure point on the bottom of his foot, about one-third of the way down from the third toe. This is nicknamed the Bubbling Spring since pressing here and holding for a few seconds can cause energy to 'bubble up' the legs to the genitals." explains Michael Gach, Ph.D. "Or try lightly brushing the soles of his feet."
I'm not only going give the information on how to get the ladies hot and bothered. The article says that a guy's nipples are an errogenous zone baaaby. LOLOLOL A guy's nipples contain just as many nerve endings as a woman's.
Ummmm, I didn’t know that.
Ladies, I will leave it up to your creativity for what to do with them. :)
And then there's the nose for him and her. It has more nerve endings than any other part of the face. The experts suggest nibbling on the tips of each other's noses.
Make sure all the boogers have been removed. LOLOLOL
The Sacrum is up next. You've likely never heard of this unless you are in the medical field, but it is the small of the back. It contains nerves that shoot directly to the genitals.
And there's a high success rate in kissing, caressing and messing around with the small of a woman's back.
Mark Michaels and Patricia Johnson, coauthors of The Essence of Tantric Sexuality, say the "electric stimulation of this nerve will trigger an orgasm in 91 percent of women."
Wowsa Yowsa. 91! 91! 91 percent!
And Dr. Gach says fellas should use their "tongue or fingers to delve into this indentation. If that's too intense, ask him to caress or kiss his way two to three inches southward. He'll hit three acupressure points, called the Sea of Energy, which are linked to sexual pleasure as well as to fertility."
Read the article for yourself.
Happy Relationships!
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