Monday, November 9, 2009

Hanging Out With Other Couples

It's healthy for couples to hang out with other couples.

There's nothing wrong with married people hanging with single people. I don't believe that single people can convince a married person into doing something that he or she does not want to do.

I do believe, however, that married women should not listen to single women in the advice department. I mean really how can a person who is single offer any advice about marriage? Marriage is complex and it's waaaaay more difficult to be in one than people think, so what the heck can a single person tell a married person about marriage?

It bewilders me when I hear a woman or a man offer advice to someone when they cannot beg, borrow or steal a person to be in his or her life.

When you don't have a man, ummmm don't give advice.

When you don't have a woman, ummmm don't give advice.

And to the goofballs who listen to peeps who do not have anyone, there is something wrong with you.

Would you take advice from a homeless person on how to buy a home? Nope so why would you listen to someone who doesn't have a significant other? Makes no sense to me but it happens all the time.

And once a couple has decided to make a go of a relationship, it's time to start filling their lives with quality time with other couples.

Not just any ole couples either. Couples who are positive. Couples who don't talk to each other disrespectfully. Couples who like to have fun. Couples who know about difficulties and work through them. Couples who are examples. Couples who display love.

And then when it comes to advice about a relationship, it is advantageous to listen to people who speak life into difficult situations. People who see the positive even if there isn't much positive to see.

There's no research, at least not that I could find, that says couples should hang out with other couples but I think they should.

What are your thoughts? Should couples hang out with other couple to keep a relationship strong?

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