Friday, October 23, 2009

Yelling Out Wrong Name During Sex

I’ve heard stories of people yelling out the wrong names during diggity. It has never happened to me but I think I would be mortified. I also think that there would be a major problem, particularly if I thought I was in a one-on-one relationship.

But there are many things that are said during sex, and sometimes they can be funny.

I gotta cramp. Not only is this funny, but it can send things into a spiraling outta control laughter session.

I once had a person tell me that he loved me, and that really messed things up. Those were the longest few minutes of my life.

I kept thinking to myself this guy is crazy. I wanted him gone, vamuse, beat it, kick rocks. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go to jail.

But I think this guy was trying to play mind games. And I also think he thought I was vulnerable and was about to get some stuff over on me.

Aaaant wrong answer.

The next day, I had to ask him if he made a mistake. And he would not back down, he said he loved me fo real fo real fo real. I had only been dating him a few months and of course I didn’t believe him at all.

But this leads me to another point. I think people talk shiggidy during diggity.

I love you. I love this DI. I love this Va-ja-jay. You are the best. You feel sooooo good. You drive me crazy and so on and so on and so on.

But talking during sex is like seasoning on food. If there’s too much seasoning the dish is ruined, soooo if there’s tooo much talking the diggity gets a D-.

And then asking questions during diggity? I’m wondering do people think that they are actually going to get an honest answer.

Research at the Diggity Institute, yep, the Diggity Institute, finds that answering questions during diggity is sure to lead to a lie.

I like a little talking, yep, I do, but I don’t want to have to think soooooo no questions please that will cause me to ponder. LOLOLOL

“Whose P*$$# is this?” is likely to make me fall out laughing, too. And the man who taught guys to say this should have his A$$ whoooped.

It's your's baby, It's your's big daddy and heck most of the time the man isn't out of the girl's bed two days before somebody else is in it. I'm just sayin....

Do you like a bunch of talking during sex? Do you like to be asked questions? What’s the craziest thing you have ever said or heard?


  1. Soooo ummmmmmm.....errrrrrrrr....yes I have experienced the questions during diggity. Lets call him "cornball." He was very vocal and wanted to hold actual conversations during diggity. This was very weird for me. Not only cus we are in the middle of diggity, but because we only been talking for a couple of months. One particular evening, post rendevous, he asked (in the middle of diggity) if i loved him and was falling for him? Now I DO know that "she" has that affect on men BUT good lawd! It was so weird. Then he proceeded to tell me that he loved me. YIKES! I stopped him mid-stroke, put on pants and headed for the border.

  2. Stopped mid-stroke LOLOL, that is hilarious.
