Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sweetest Day Is Coming

Love is in the air, and it’s that palpable love that's in the air at Valentine’s Day.

This is likely because Sweetest Day is coming and it's also boo hunting season. :)

Cards are in the aisles, balloons are floating in the air and then concerts are being touted as the perfect Sweetest Day date.

Many people involved in relationships are going to do something: fix dinner, catch a movie, go out to dinner, something.

But this day for couples is only celebrated in parts of the Midwest, so a lot of times people want to play it down.

Sweetest Day initially started in Cleveland, yessssir, Cleveland, as a day to show love to people who were less fortunate and sorta crossed over to a day to show love for the person you love.

But whenever Sweetest Day comes around and even Valentine’s Day, I get a bit perplexed when people aren't interested in celebrating. As a matter of fact, it almost seems to be popular to say I don't celebrate thoooose days.

They usually say:

"We show each other our love every day."

"Every day is Valentine's Day."

"We don’t do those man-made holiday's for couple's."

Shut da fudge up!

Yea, if you have someone special in your life you should show your love everyday. Yea, you should, but do you is the question.

Folks get up on the wrong side of the bed from time to time and love is no where to be found. Folks say things that they don’t mean all the time and ummm love is MIA.

Peeps get on my last nerve talking that nonsense about not wanting to celebrate days that are set aside to make sho, fo sho, that you show the person you like or love that you like or love him or her.

Nah, I don’t think people have to go to the top of the town and grab a star from the sky, but a danggone card or kind gesture has never killed anyone.

I’m befuddled every time I hear the craziness. Befuddled, confused, perplexed, puzzled, astonished, surprised, alarmed, baffled.

If you don’t have any cashola to buy a card, heck leave a nice danggone note. And fellas, for a change meet her at the door naked or scantily clad.

Soooo over the next few days when I hear peeps talk about how they DO NOT celebrate Sweetest Day, I’m gonna applaud them for being stupid. Sweetest Day is Saturday.

Do you celebrate Sweetest Day and Valentine’s Day? Why or why not.

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