Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dating With A 3-Month Old

If you met someone who has a baby, as in a younger than year old, would you be interested in some sort of relstionship.

Hmmmmm maybe a bootie call some peeps may think.

I am going to have to go out on a limb and say I could not possibly get involved with someone with a very young child.

I would think I was standing in line for a long baby mama drama ride with many twists and turns and ups and downs.

And you may say there may not be any drama, well ummmmmmm I do not have time to waste on this dating scenerio. It is sorta like dating a homeless man....yea he would eventually get himself together but do I want to waste a year waiting lolololol

I probably would consider if the man was married. Scratch that! A man who leaves his lil bitty baby, whew, may be inconsiderate and insensitive ooooooweee heck he is prolly mean.

Soooo would you date someone with a very young child?

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