House music was blarring from the speakers and there were laughs and smiles filling the room as people danced on what many might think is a small dance floor.
I made my way to the bar and luckily there were just enough seats for me and my three friends.
I take a few minutes before figuring out what to order. We had been drinking Patron all day but it was time to lighten things up a bit or so I thought.
When the bartender comes over and asks for our order I say, "Give us some Bailey's."
Yea, we needed to lighten things up a lot because we were already bubbly or tipsy, whichever you prefer.
Before the bartender takes off, I say give us a little vodka on top so what was suppose to be a light drink was getting heavier.
Any who.
We sip and sip and talk and talk. Two of my friends go to dance, but when I'm asked I say, "No Thanks."
It's not that I don't want to dance but I'm looking at people on the dance floor and they are grinding and kissing and grinding and kissing. Whatda? Whatda? Whatda?
Am I expected to dance like that I think to myself. My friends finish getting their boogey on minus the kissing and grinding and then return to their bar stools. They appeared to have had fun.
But I am engrossed and my eyes are bulging out of my head looking at the numerous couples who are playing kissy face like there aren't any other people in this place.
Then Usher's song, "I wanna make love in this club" comes to mind because I'm really beginning to think that I'm going to see some genitalia sooooon.
One couple was up against a beam only about 2 feet away from me. And heck, I'm all for making out and hot diggity but good googly moogly.
The other couples who were making out were a bit farther away from me but they were going at it just as rough.
Wowsa Yowsa! Is this how they do it in New York City? Get down, get down, get down.
And while things seemed to be hot ta def between these couples, I couldn't help but think something else was fueling all this kissy face and rubby rub.
Are they drunk? Cause sometimes peeps can get footloose and fancy free after a few cocktails, but I had never seen anything like this before in my life.
They were dancing and grinding and kissing and grinding and dancing and then just grinding and kissing and kissing and kissing like there weren't any other people in the room.
Before it was over, I picked my eyeballs off the floor and went back to our hotel room. And heck watching all that making out made me feel like a voyeur.
On the drive back, I had to say something about what I had just witnessed and my gf said they were likely high on ecstasy.
Ecstasy makes you turn into a horndog! Wow! I didn't know that.
What do you think about making out in public?
Most of the time I won't dance in the club. But if I had a few drinks, I should be on "so you think you can dance." So yes, drinks can make u get a little loose. But as far as making love on the dance floor--its ridiculous. I witnessed that once in my life. The girl was putting her behind so far up his package I just knew they made a baby. My goodness. So to answer your question--thats nasty and distasteful! PDA in other situations are okay to a certain point. Holding hands and a peck here and there is cool. But I hate seeing people tonguing and rubbing while walking thru the park. UGH.